Sunday, September 16, 2012

Current events

Wow! Has it really been a month since we last posted?! We must be really busy or there really isn’t much going on- and in this case- there is a lot going on!

Steve has been meeting with a lot of students for a variety of reasons: going over their individual education plans, meeting with seniors to figure out college information since a number of the students this year want to study in the States, meeting with juniors helping them start thinking about college and tests they need to take to be accepted into college, and students who are struggling with social/emotional/ or academic needs. He is starting to observe in classrooms to hopefully help teachers teach in a way to meet the needs of struggling students. He is planning a variety of parent workshops to give parents strategies to help their students. And most recently, he spoke at chapel to the high school students on the topic of “Who is your King,” speaking from Luke 9:16-23. He challenged the students to reflect on how they are living their life to see what rules their life, who they believe Jesus to be, and do they trust Jesus as their king.

Marlayna has been enjoying teaching health to half the 9th grade class and being in front of a class again. Though it is not in her content area, she has really enjoyed bringing Biblical application to the content. She has been able to help tutor a homebound MK student who recently had leg surgery. She meets with him 12 hours a week to help him keep up with his studies. She has also been able to continue building relationships with the students she is discipling and with another family who has twins around Elleazah’s age.

Speaking of Elleazah, she is quit the trouper! She goes to school when we are at school, she goes to tutoring when Marlayna goes to tutoring, and she does all this usually with a good attitude- and for that, we praise God! We know that this busyness is a short season in our lives and we are thankful she is doing well with the schedule. She loves drawing and coloring, which makes it easier for her to play by herself.

We recently went with the staff on a staff retreat, the topic was Integrity. Going into the weekend, it was easy to think highly of ourselves as having much integrity. But coming out of the sessions, we realize how sinful we are and how much area of growth that still needs to take place, Lord willing. The retreat was in hot country so we, especially Elleazah, really enjoyed the pools, and the small zoo, at the location we stayed in Melgar, 120 km south of us.

Be in prayer for:

1.       Next weekend, we will be going to Chinauta, 85 km south of us, for the high school fall retreat. Please be praying for the student’s hearts to be soft and willing to change throughout the weekend. The sessions will also be on Integrity: From the Inside Out.

2.       Healing for the student Marlayna is tutoring

3.       Continue to connect with students and discipleship
4.     Wisdom in parenting